Our hassle-free 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is designed to give you peace of mind. |
Changed your mind? If you aren't fanatical about your purchase, you can return an un-used product within 30 days and we will happily refund the purchase price.
Returns must be new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery to qualify for a full refund. Some items may be excluded from this guarantee. Please read the product description before you place your order.
- You can only initiate a return after an order has been shipped and you have received the product.
- To request a return, please email salesorders@rockfordcorp.com or call 1.800.669.9899 and select option 3.
- Have your order number and product serial number you wish to return ready.
- Your Return Authorization Number (RA #) will be provided along with the address where you will ship to.
- You are responsible for shipping the products back to us. We recommend using a trackable shipping method and making note of your tracking number.
- Do not use the product packaging as the “shipping box”. The item must be placed in another carton as to retain the integrity of the item.
- The refund will be for the full value of the returned items and any tax charged, unless otherwise noted.
- Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.
- Credit for returned items will be applied to the credit card that was used to make the purchase. Refunds for return will be applied within 5 to 10 days of the date that the return is received at Rockford’s return center.
You may be charged up to 25% of the product cost as a restocking fee if item has been installed in a vehicle or has physical signs of use. Items returned in new condition (unbroken seal/unbroken shrink-wrap) will receive a full refund.
- The refund will appear on your credit card statement within 1-2 billing periods, depending upon your financial institution's billing cycle.
- If the return is due to defective products, inaccurate product descriptions, or an incorrect order, contact Customer Support at 1.800.669.9899 to initiate the return. In these cases, your shipping fees may be refunded, and you will be provided with a pre-paid return shipping label.
For standard warranty claims, please visit us at www.rockfordfosgate.com and select the SUPPORT tab. Warranty length and details for your product can be found in the owner’s manual.
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